STR Warehouse

Questions to ask an Airbnb Co Host

Hiring a co host is an interesting endeavor. This usually occurs when the owner of the property faces one of the following:

  • Their property is not performing as well as the owner would like
  • The owner does not have the time to do a really good job.

What is a co host? A co host is someone who will manage the Airbnb and VRBO listing for the owner. Typically, the home owner sets up the listing and turns the credentials over to the co host to manage. The revenue from the guests goes directly to the owner and the co host bills the owner. This way the owner maintains the property if there is a change in the relationship.

Here are questions to ask a potential co host.

  • What is your onsite optimization process?
  • What type of PMS (Property Management System) do you use?
  • Do you sync and manage calendars on multiple platforms?
  • How often do you update the listing?
  • Do you do any off platform marketing?
  • What tools are you using?
  • How many properties are you managing?
  • How much and how do you charge?
  • Do you manage cleaning and maintenance and how is that handled?
  • Do you have a guest screening procedure?
  • Do you make property suggestions to increase ROI?

Here are the answers you should hopefully get.

What is your optimization process? I write the listing in a format that is easy to understand with keywords and local information. I edit the images, and order them in a method to increase guest engagement. I update the amenities on a regular basis.

What type of PMS (Property Management System) do you use? A good co host will use a Property Management System to coordinate messaging, calendars and follow up information.

Do you sync and manage calendars on multiple platforms? The answer should simply be Yes

How often do you update the listing? The listing should be updated at least every 2 weeks, and optimally weekly. This is on all platforms, and pricing should be adjusted in the same time frame.

Do you do any off platform marketing? This is dependent on how well the listing is doing. A good co host will put your listing on other relevant websites for backlinks, will set up a Facebook page and update it, will set up Facebook Ads if necessary and will put linked images on Pinterest to increase listing appeal.

What tools are you using? A good co host should use tools to be more efficient and take advantage of technology. A dynamic pricing tool is a must. (if they are using smart pricing, find someone else). As mentioned above a Property Management System, and finally rank tracking software.

How many properties are you managing? This is a good question to get a feel for their expertise. You would like to have someone with experience, but on the other hand, you don’t want to just be a number in their system.

How much and how do you charge? Ideally the co host is paid on a commission basis, as this fully incentivizes the co host to do a great job. 20 – 40% is the range on a national basis. There are some who do a lower percentage, they are probably not doing full service. We do billing after each guest stay, to be paid digitally (Cash App, Venmo, etc.)

Do you manage cleaning and maintenance and how is that handled? This is good to know upfront and can influence the percentage paid. Ask if they have an upcharge for handling maintenance items.

Do you have a guest screening procedure? A good co host should have a procedure in place to prevent parties. Ask them what it is and how successful it has been. Find out if it has failed. Hint: no plan is perfect.

Do you make property suggestions to increase ROI? Will they evaluate your property and make suggestions to increase your revenue and suggestions to increase your security and safety.

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